10 best materials for facade cladding

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The best materials for non-ventilated facade

1 Decorative plaster The most popular and simple facing
2 Facing stone Durability and reliability
3 Facing brick Large selection of textures and shades
4 Ceramic tile High decorative qualities
5 Concrete tile The optimal combination of price and quality

The best materials for the ventilated facade

1 Decorative siding Accessibility and ease of installation
2 Clinker Thermopanels Attractive look and heat insulation
3 Panels made of wood-polymer composite Decorative and aesthetics
4 Porcelain stoneware Durability and moisture resistance
5 Decking Windproof and versatility

The appearance of the house or cottage modern owners pay close attention. At a minimum, the decoration should not spoil the exterior of the building, but rather that the facade should make the house attractive from afar. Today, the building materials market has a wide range of facade cladding, which differs in a number of parameters. Thoughtful owners would like to decorate the facade beautifully, while spending a minimum of financial resources. It will be possible to realize your dreams with the help of important expert recommendations.

  1. All facade materials can be divided by design into ventilated and deaf. In the first case between the base and the cladding will be a void or layer of insulation. The non-ventilated facade provides for the installation of a decorative coating directly on the base.
  2. The choice of finishing technology is carried out at the design stage of the house. This is done in order to take into account the amount of additional load that will fall on the facade itself and the load-bearing walls.
  3. An important factor is the combination of decoration with the surrounding area, as well as with the roof, walls, plinth, etc.
  4. Facing the facade should be an additional protection from noise, cold, moisture, ultraviolet, etc. In the coating there should be no place for microorganisms, insects and birds.
  5. For some homeowners who are able and love to independently equip their home, materials with a simplified installation would be preferable. For example, decorative light panels can be easily attached, but not everyone can apply plaster or glue tiles.

Our review includes the best materials for facing the facade. The following criteria were taken into account when compiling the rating:

  • durability;
  • decorative properties;
  • mounting technology;
  • price;
  • expert opinion;
  • consumer reviews.

The best materials for non-ventilated facade

Not all homeowners are engaged in thermal and sound insulation of the facade. Some make non-ventilated structures for practical reasons, others just want to save. In this case, several finishing materials will do.

5 Concrete tile

The optimal combination of price and quality
A country: Russia
Average price: 1 251 rub. (1 sq. M)
Rating (2019): 4.5

An excellent architectural design solution can be the use of facade concrete tiles. It is made by vibratory casting from a traditional sand-cement mixture with additives of plasticizers and dyes. Modern technologies allow to obtain panels with a matte or glossy surface. The result is a quality cladding material at an affordable price. Concrete tile is similar in appearance to certain types of decorative stone, it is not inferior in durability. The hard surface withstands both mechanical and atmospheric effects. At installation laying of a special layer is not required, the tile perfectly keeps with glue structure.

Users praise this facing material for accessibility and good performance properties.Only in the harsh northern regions, service life is reduced, and during installation, time is required to remove the edge.

4 Ceramic tile

High decorative qualities
A country: Russia
Average price: 953 rub. (1 sq. M)
Rating (2019): 4.6

Not inferior in popularity to other facade cladding and ceramic tiles. Experts call its strengths high decorative qualities, durability, fire resistance. In the domestic market is implemented a huge range of outdoor ceramics. It differs in size, color, texture. The tile is convenient in work, it has a small weight, ceramics are laid on the adhesive mixture. Installation can be carried out on the ventilated facade. The coating withstands the most severe weather effects, while maintaining the original elegance.

Ceramic tiles are not used on wooden bases, which can be called a disadvantage. Some species are quite expensive, which also becomes a deterrent when buying. Otherwise, users are satisfied with the ceramic tiles, especially the appearance.

3 Facing brick

Large selection of textures and shades
A country: Russia
Average price: 90 rub. (1 sq. M)
Rating (2019): 4.7

The deep roots of the facade has a facing brick. Thanks to the aesthetic look, modern homeowners also pay attention to this material. Today, new types of facing bricks have appeared, so that its popularity remains high. Along with the ceramic product, clinker, silicate, and hyperpressed brick is on sale. Each of them has its advantages, but they all allow you to get an externally beautiful facade. Users are offered a wide selection of textures, many shades, a variety of forms. All types of facing bricks are able to withstand negative natural phenomena for a long time.

Professional finishers consider the best option is the use of clinker bricks. From the set of parameters, it is the undoubted leader, the only disadvantage of the material is the high price.

2 Facing stone

Durability and reliability
A country: Russia
Average price: 890 rub. (1 sq. M)
Rating (2019): 4.7

The leading position in decorative qualities is facing stone. Homeowners use it not only as a base material, but also in combination with another lining. The main advantages of a stone are reliability and durability. Experts also note such positive properties as environmental friendliness, resistance to climatic and mechanical stress. There are two types of this facing. Natural stone is quite expensive and heavy pleasure, so most often it is used together with other material as an element of decor. Artificial stone cladding practically does not act in natural material, winning in value and weight.

In the reviews, users express full satisfaction with the appearance of the facade, reliability and durability. Only installation needs to be trusted by professional finishers.

1 Decorative plaster

The most popular and simple facing
A country: Russia
Average price: 370 rub. (25 kg)
Rating (2019): 4.9

One of the most popular and simple types of facade cladding is decorative plaster. With its help it is possible to create a beautiful and durable surface. An attractive point is the affordability of the material, and a wide choice of fundamentals and structures. The mineral composition is considered a classic of the genre, it is combined with all heat insulators and building materials. Affordable price and a wide range of colors have become the main trumps facing. Acrylic plaster is distinguished by elasticity, and the service life of the coating reaches 20 years. The maximum durability (up to 30 years) has a silicate-based cladding. Silicone plaster differs in high resistance to pollution.

Users are fully satisfied with facing facades with the help of decorative plaster compositions. The disadvantage of the material is the complexity of self-application.

The best materials for the ventilated facade

Among the owners of private houses and cottages there are many supporters of ventilated facades. They become especially relevant when it is planned to organize a living room under the roof. Some materials are suitable for installation on insulation, and for others it is necessary to create a special frame.

5 Decking

Windproof and versatility
A country: Russia
Average price: 390 rub. (1 sq. M)
Rating (2019): 4.5

In our review of the best facade materials there was a place and steel sheeting. Thanks to the zinc coating and polymer paint, a wind-resistant lining with excellent anti-corrosion properties is obtained. The profiled flooring gives the facade a finished look when the roofing is made of metal tiles. The use of steel sheet looks optimal in ventilated structures. A special framework is preliminarily made; additional warming is carried out with mineral wool or polystyrene materials. Installation is easy on their own, especially when finishing a wooden facade.

According to users, the professional flooring allows you to beautifully decorate not only the facade of the house, but also the walls, utility rooms, outbuildings. A wide selection of saturated colors gives room for the fantasy of homeowners and designers. The disadvantage of the material is strong heat, noise with oblique and heavy rain.

4 Porcelain stoneware

Durability and moisture resistance
A country: Russia
Average price: 800 rub. (1 sq. M)
Rating (2019): 4.6

The strongest finishing material for the facade is granite. It is made by semi-dry pressing of a mixture of such natural components as clay, feldspar and quartz. Manufacturers offer homeowners porcelain in the form of tiles with a thickness of 12-16 mm. Experts attribute the strengths of the lining to absolute moisture resistance, durability, long-term preservation of the original look, a wide range of textures, colors. Depending on the preferences of the consumer, you can choose a matte or polished surface, give preference to a homogeneous or mosaic structure.

In Russia, many home and cottage owners have decorated the facade with granite. They are satisfied with the practicality of the coating, strength and moisture resistance. Of the minuses there is a large weight, decent cost and specific installation.

3 Panels made of wood-polymer composite

Decorative and aesthetics
A country: Russia
Average price: 1 300 rub. (1 sq. M)
Rating (2019): 4.8

Not so long ago, such a modern look of lining appeared on the domestic market, like WPC panels. The main component of the lining is wood chip composition (not less than 60%). The composition also includes binding components, polymer compounds and dyes. Experts believe that the main advantages of KDP panels are their elegant appearance and resistance to various weather phenomena. The ease of installation allows owners of wooden houses to independently assemble the cladding structure. There is no need to conduct special preparation of the facade. Manufacturers promise a long service life of wood-polymer composite, which becomes another advantage.

Users had time to evaluate the advantages of the KDP panels. The maintainability is highly appreciated; in order to replace one element, it is not necessary to dismantle the adjacent panels.

2 Clinker Thermopanels

Attractive look and heat insulation
A country: Russia
Average price: 925 rub. (0.48 sq. M.)
Rating (2019): 4.8

Complex facing of facades is one of the options to reduce costs in the repair or construction of the house. An example of such a material are clinker thermopanels. They represent a clinker tile, to which expanded polystyrene is welded. The consumer can choose the thickness of the heat insulator in the range of 24 ... 80 mm, and decorative tiles - 12 ... 15 mm. Experts note the environmental friendliness of the product, since synthetic components are not added at the production stage. In addition, the coating is resistant to biodegradation and weathering.

Users like the appearance of the clinker thermopanels, their durability, thermal insulation abilities.The disadvantage of the material is the high price, during transportation and installation must be careful, because ceramics has brittleness.

1 Decorative siding

Accessibility and ease of installation
A country: Russia
Average price: 395 rub. (0.54 sq. M.)
Rating (2019): 4.9

When it is required to give an esthetic look to a wooden facade, first of all pay attention to a siding. It is easy to install, many homeowners successfully assemble it on their own. The most popular vinyl panels can boast. They have a low price, low weight and long service life. Today, wooden siding or a block house are seriously competing with PVC products. It creates the illusion of a real wooden house, but requires additional protection, which adversely affects the overall estimate. Slightly less used siding of metal or cement-cellulose composition.

All types of decorative siding require crates. Often homeowners fill the resulting voids with a heat insulator. Users call siding the best material for finishing a wooden facade.

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Attention! The above information is not a guide to your purchase. For any advice should contact the experts!

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